Who is in Heaven? Who is
in Hell?
The Ascent to Heaven - not always easy! |
Thinking further on the
Last Judgement, I remember a moment of doubt prior to my baptism. The Orthodox
Church, like all human institutions, is not free of zealots and fundamentalists
and I read in one booklet a very worrying statement. In essence it consigned to
Hell all who did not accept the Orthodox Church in its totality. The Roman
Catholic Church (and, by implication, the Anglicans and all Protestants) are
heretical and thus cannot expect to be saved. Now, although on strictly
self-preservation grounds, this might be seen as an overriding reason for
joining the Orthodox Church, it had the opposite effect on me. The great Marx
(Groucho not Karl) once said that he wouldn’t want to join any club that was
prepared to accept him as a member and I, in a sort of mirror image, would find
it very hard to become a member of a Church that condemned me to Hell if I
wasn’t a member! I could not accept that the sincere Christian beliefs I had
held for fifty odd years would deprive me automatically of salvation, not to
mention all the truly good Christians I have met in all denominations. Can I
really believe that my mum is in hell?