Some links to websites relevant to this blog and which I like.

See why Patriarch Bartholomew is called 'The Green Patriarch'
"Everything that lives and breathes is sacred and beautiful in the eyes of God. The whole world is a sacrament. The entire created cosmos is a burning bush of God’s uncreated energies. And humankind stands as a priest before the altar of creation, as microcosm and mediator. Such is the true nature of things; or, as an Orthodox hymn describes it, “the truth of things,” if only we have the eyes of faith to see it."  -   Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I.

Orthodoxy and Pacifism
"A Fellowship of Orthodox Christian Peacemakers: The Orthodox Peace Fellowship of the Protection of the Mother of God is an association of Orthodox Christian believers seeking to bear witness to the peace of Christ by applying the principles of the Gospel to situations of division and conflict, whether in the home, the parish, the community we live, the work place, within our particular nations, and between nations. We work for the conservation of God’s creation and especially of human life. We are not a political association and support no political parties or candidates."

Fr. Christopher Klitou in Cyprus has set up a wonderful website containing translations of many of the Orthodox services, thought-provoking articles, name days and icons. It's really worth exploring.

Bible Gateway is an incredible resource. It contains many different translations of the Bible in an enormous number of languages. If you're looking for a single verse or a whole chapter, check it out. It's also incredibly easy to use.

'Orthodoxy and Animals' is an unusual but very useful source of Orthodox writings about animals from the early Fathers of the Church to more recent discussions of the place of animals in our world. Definitely recommended if you've ever wondered if animals have souls!

Well worth looking at, Katherine Hyde's blog covers a range of themes from writing Christian oriented fiction to grammar problems to mysterious events. Have a look and enjoy 'God Haunted Fiction.'

Retired editor of In Communion, the magazine of the Orthodox Peace Fellowship (see above), Jim Forest's website is always worth a look and certainly stimulating. www.­jimandnancyfores­t.­com

A satirical Orthodox website? Is this an oxymoron? Well, it's not but this very amusing site proves that Orthodoxy and a sense of humour are not a contradiction in terms.

A great site to visit and explore. Fr. Vassilios writes in a down-to-earth way about various aspects of Orthodoxy and his blog is as entertaining as mine but considerably better informed!! Highly recommended.

A new Orthodox blog well worth looking at. Give your support to this unpretentious site: just sensible and thought provoking comments on Orthodox themes that interest the author.

I'll be adding more to this page as I find interesting links.

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