First of all, apologies for the lack of postings. I haven't abandoned the blog but have been concentrating on final preparations of "Crowns of Barbed Wire," a book of twentieth century Orthodox martyrs. I'm now coming towards the end and, since I am self-publishing on Kindle, it would be extremely helpful if I can persuade some volunteers to help proof read the text.
I realize that people are usually pretty busy, so ANY help, however limited, would be appreciated. This could be as little as a page or two, ranging to a full chapter or even the whole book.
As well as looking for typos or grammatical/vocabulary errors, comments on readability (or lack thereof) would be very valuable as it is said that I can tend towards being pompous and academic!
All offers will be greatly appreciated. At the very least, it will give you the opportunity to criticize an English teacher's grammar and that must be fun.