Thursday, 5 December 2013


No, I'm not being lazy (well not much anyway) but I'm still deeply involved in getting the Kindle edition of “A Glimpse of Heaven” ready. It's nearly completed but I'm still looking for a few more illustrations and a few friends are proof reading.

In searching for good photographs to use, I came across several excellent websites and blogs which I would like to share with you, not all Orthodox but all worth a look. Although I didn't use photos from all the sites, I would like to thank all the owners for the kind permission they gave.

“The Mode of Life Project” is an Australian site devoted to Orthodox articles and resources. It's still expanding and well worth a look:
Christina Parlamis is the largest on line retailer of Baptism & Wedding products and does mail order worldwide. More to the point, her site also contains a comprehensive and extremely useful FAQ on Orthodox baptism and weddings.
Ivy Liacopoulou got fed up with vague and ambiguous recipes for Greek and Cypriot dishes so she started to write (and test out) her own, both traditional and new. The result is a very helpful website, backed up by her books:
What's it like to be a working Greek Orthodox parish priest? Fr. Gregory Edwards from Volos writes a blog full of both profundity and every day life. Highly recommended.
Aristotle Koskinas is an archaeologist and tour guide based in Athens. His site is a goldmine of interesting articles about Greek history and culture. The site is in English and Greek: and
Mystagogy, the wide-ranging Orthodox website of John Saidopoulos is packed with interesting and thought-provoking articles:
Anastasia Marou's blog covers all sorts of interesting topics related to Greece:
Elizabeth Kaeton is an American Episcopelian who runs a lively, often quirky and sometimes controversial website:

Promise I’ll get the blogs up and running again in the new year, maybe!

A very happy St. Nicholas Day to everybody and Χρόνια Πολλά  from Greece to all Nicholas's and Nikoletta's, not forgetting my granddaughter Nicole.

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